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20 years have passed since the moment we lost Alexander Urakoff

Today we have the sad death anniversary. 20 years have passed since the moment we lost Alexander Urakoff — a natural born Musician, the founder of the band and creator of our musical universe. When he died, the band was inactive, and relations between the members were not quite good. But his death was able to reunite us at that time .
Any tragedy is able to collect people together for a little time. But as soon as the bitter taste goes away, people are becoming distant ones from each other again.
So it was with us. But it didn't last for a long time
We are obliged to Urakoff's undying charisma with power to revive the Gods Tower. We just had to give a tribute to this extraordinary man. And reassembled, Gods Tower was even more viable project than before.
Despite of all the difficulties, we will continue the Musician's work. There is no death if someone remembers you.
Сегодня у нас печальная годовщина. 20 лет прошло с того момента, как нас покинул Александр Ураков — Музыкант с большой буквы, основатель коллектива и создатель нашей музыкальной вселенной. Когда он умер, коллектива не существовало, и между участниками отношения были не лучшими. Но его смерть смогла в тот момент снова объединить нас.
Любая трагедия на время способна сплотить людей. Но как только горький вкус проходит, люди снова становятся далекими друг от друга.
Так было и с нами. Но не надолго.
Не в малой мере своей неумирающей харизмой Ураков смог вернуть к жизни Gods Tower. Мы просто обязаны были дать дань уважения этому неординарному человеку. И вновь объединившись, Gods Tower оказался еще более жизнеспособным проектом, чем раньше.
Не смотря на все трудности, мы будем продолжать дело Музыканта. Смерти нет, пока вас помнят.


We present you the album “Mirrors and Echoes”, which sums up the past decade.
For us, the past decade was a reflections of past events, a time of doubts, reflection and decisions. We did not cease to exist, we marched among echoes and mirrors. We peered and listened. We got lost and found ourselves again. We will be back soon with new songs, but they were all born precisely in echoes and reflections of the past.
We do not stop, we move with the Wheel of Times!

XXX Years Anniversary!


Already for thirty years we have been moving the elements on together with you.

Together with you, we build and change our worlds, we create and overthrow myths, we compose music that unites us.

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